Monday, November 21, 2011


How long do scars usually last after surgery? I had surgery in October, just wondering if it will start to fade away any time soon?Scars?????
depends how deep it was, but from experience they don't tend to fade away that much. I've had a scar from shoulder surgery for over 2 years and i know a guy who has had one for over 5 years. They make scar patches to help them fade , which work really well.Scars?????
I had surgery in October too and I have been using vitamin E cream to help fade it...obviously the scar will never fade completely but the vitamin e cream helped mine fade...mederma is a good brand...hope this helps
Try using Mederma. It is an over the counter and is recommended by MD's. If you don't want to spend the extra money use pure cocoa butter, it will make it softer and less noticeble.

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