Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do I treat my acne scars?

I don't want laser treatment or anything heavy.

I mean, are their any masks that I can make my self?

Anything healthy, harmless, or natural? remedies ?

I'd like to know both my options, the topicals %26amp; the remedies

thanks guys!

My scars aren't that deep, some of them are like really small indents, some are red still, some are like ripply etc..

thanks guys!

god bless you!How do I treat my acne scars?
Rosehip seed oil and lavender oil are also effective in removing acne scars. These are an anti-ageing and anti-wrinkling agent that helps the skin to regenerate. Massage this oil on the scar twice a day.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .How do I treat my acne scars?
This may be more severe than you want, but dermabrasion is an affective way to reduce acne scarring. Masks and so on won't make a difference to scarring in the long term, they may make your skin seem better for a while, but won't get rid of the problem. If your scars aren't deep, and you don't want to go for any heavy treatments, you could invest in a good concealer, as acne scarring is much easier to cover than acne.
Pineapple juice has a good amount of ascorbic acid which acts as a good bleach for the skin, so when applied often and washed after 10 or 15 minutes help a great deal in reducing acne,pimple scars. More such solutions at
your answer is in this site

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