Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the fastest wat to get rid of a pimple? Or scars?

I have tried alchoal. Is that good for you?What is the fastest wat to get rid of a pimple? Or scars?
Aside from general answers of ';keep clean skin';, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera are the best and most natural way to help with skin health externally and in many cases, healing damaged skin. Vitamin E creams don't have a very high potency of it, and most companies won't sell a straight vitamin E oil in a high enough concentration because it can build up in your system (if you take too high of a dose) and become toxic over time. That's why you should make sure you aren't taking a supplemental vitamin E at the same time. With Aloe Vera, you can just rub it on whatever areas need the soothing... and you can use a good cup or two a day safely if needed.

If you take a 400 IU softgel of vitamin E, poke a hole in the side of it (CAREFULLY), spread the oil on your skin, and rub it in like any massage oil. Make sure you use about an equal amount on each area of your face, as you should only do this once a day.

That's your best bet for external use (which is faster to heal the skin), but there are a lot of internal things you can use as well. There's Fish Oil (which I use for my skin problems), Biotin, Silica (available naturally in Horsetail herb), MSM, and Hyaluronic Acid among the most popular items. Different people have different reactions to those different ingredients, so it's hard to say what may help most for you. I've personally taken Biotin (which helps for a lot of people), but it was too powerful for me, so it shows how different people can be.What is the fastest wat to get rid of a pimple? Or scars?
This sounds funny, but toothpaste, and tea tree oil work really good.
Leave them alone. Resist the temptation to squeeze or pick at pimples. Squeezing a pimple forces some of the bacteria deeper into the skin which can result in an inflamed or infected pimple. Squeezing also can leave scarring. ';It's best to keep your bacteria-laden hands away from your skin,'; Bree says.

路 Be gentle. Don't use astringents to clean your face. Astringents and aggressive washing tend to dry your skin. Your skin feels stripped of oil so the oil glands step up production and you wind up worse off than before. The rebound oiliness can exacerbate breakouts. Bree recommends a gentle, antibacterial, oil-free bar soap for cleansing your face. Use warm, not hot, water.

路 A little dab will do you. Among the best topical treatments are the vitamin A derivatives (Retin-A and Differin, among others) that help unclog pores. ';You have to be patient with topical retinoids, though,'; Bree cautions. ';Initially, they can irritate skin and causes redness. You might look worse before you look better. It can take six to eight weeks to get the effect you

want.'; Bree says it is best to use this medication over your entire face, not just where blemishes have erupted. To spot treat a pimple, sparing use of an over-the-counter acne product with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be helpful but be careful not to over do it.

路 Pick your cosmetics wisely. Look for the word ';non-comedogenic'; on the label. Heavier cosmetics, and even those labeled ';oil-free,'; can contribute to clogging the pores. Bree suggests finding a concealer that can blend the redness of the pimple into your own skin color. Green shades tend to offset redness the best.

路 Stay out of the sun. It's true a suntan/burn might camouflage acne temporarily but the sun will not clean the skin. You also run the risk of skin cancer and premature aging of the skin.

路 Calm down. Stress can affect your skin. Place a warm compress over the pimple to reduce the redness and slow down. Take a walk or warm bath to ease tensions.

路 Pull out the big guns. If you're desperate (and in a huge rush), consult a dermatologist about receiving a shot of cortisone to shrink the pimple. The injection can decrease the inflammation and help speed resolution.
This may sound crazy, but when I have an occasional breakout, I wash my face with an antibacterial soap, just like, Softsoap that you buy in any Wal Mart, or grocery store. The ingredient Tetrasodium I believe, is what drys the breakout up! I found out purely by accident on that one! They do have something out on the market that is suppose to remove scars as well. I cant remember the name of it, but I believe it is in with the facial lotions creams, or even try it in the aisle with the first aid. Hope I have helped!

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