i've had a pretty bad case of acne, but it's been finally clearing up with the help of ';acne free severe';. Even the pimples i don't touch turn into scars. why does this happen? and is there any possible way to get rid of the scars or at least reduce them?Is there any possible way to get rid of acne scars with a topical cream?
they sell scar fading cream at like drugstores and walmart or target
thats what i use and its seemed to lighten them up quite a bitIs there any possible way to get rid of acne scars with a topical cream?
okay proactiv, is a striaght no.
since you've had a pretty bad case, go to your dermatologist and ask for something to get rid of scars and new acne, tell them that your skin is senestive and scars easily. i'm pretty sure they'll know what to give you.
i don't think so. but I would imagine that it's like stretch marks, you just gotta wait it out. it should get better, at least it should fade
Proactiv is your best bet.
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